

Great American Brass Band Festival

January 20, 20242 min read

Great American Brass Band Festival Ready for 34th Year

The Great American Brass Band Festival planning is well underway as the organization announced the dates for the 34th edition of the festival in 2024. 

Set for May 30 - June 1, 2024, the GABBF team has condensed the festival’s duration from 4 days to 3, but for very good reason. Executive Director Michaelle Perros sheds light on the decision: 

“The board, the volunteers, and I have seen an increase in attendance on Friday and Saturday while observing a decrease in Sunday’s attendance. The team and I felt that it was in the festival’s best interest to keep the attention on Thursday thru Saturday which are the more attended days. This was not an easy decision as there are a lot of factors involved in planning such a large and historic event, but the people have spoken and we are listening. We feel very excited about the change.” 

The Great American Brass Band Festival has entered year 34 and continues its reign as one of the greatest Brass Band festivals in the world, providing fans and attendees a musical experience that is culturally unique, family-friendly, and free. A 501(c)(3) non-profit, this festival maintains its admission-free status through the supporters of sponsors and donations. 

“Coming on as the brand new Executive Director and seeing the festival behind the scenes, I am humbled by the support from the numerous sponsorships of Danville and regional businesses. It takes a village to put this event together, and our sponsors and donors are a major reason this event continues to happen every year.”

Perros, who is in her second year as Executive Director, is excited about the direction moving forward:  “Year one was amazing. All the support I received from the GABBF team and the community was wonderful. I am so, so excited for year two as we continue to make decisions for the benefit of the festival’s longevity.” 

A musician herself, Perros believes in the mission of the renowned, historic festival and in mixing tradition with the modern in order to interest a wider audience. 

“British brass bands and traditional wind bands are absolutely stunning. There’s just nothing like 40+ talented musicians on stage using their musical ability to come together and produce a highly emotional performance. However, there’s more to the brass band genre to be showcased and I am excited to bring that to the stage. We want to continue to celebrate the horn in whatever we do because that’s what it’s all about.” 

New Orleans, jazz, hip-hop, mariachi, pop, horn bands, and more are just a few of the genres Perros wants to continue to see at the festival. She believes there is room for all of it on the GABBF stage and although there is a change of duration from four days to three, the entertainment value will never change. 

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Danville, KY 40423



The Great American Brass Band Festival is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization supported by the generosity of our donors and sponsors. Every donation helps us keep the Festival going.

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